Wednesday, July 11, 2007

No girls!

Alex is spending the week in Arizona with his grandparents. (His first solo flight!) I about died laughing when I walked up the stairs last night, after we returned from the airport - I had no idea he'd done this to his bedroom door.

Monday, July 9, 2007


I have finally joined the rest of the free world and gotten myself a copy of the latest version of PSE. (I was a diehard Paint Shop Pro fan for years, so it's like learning a new language!)

I wanted to fix the photo down below of Sophie because that weird yellow cast was driving me nuts.



I like the punchy color and sort of urban feel of the fixed photo. What do you think?

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Photos from last week

Clearly I need to rename this blog, "HB's weekly photo". Here are a couple that I liked from this past week:

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


These are her 'model' poses. This is all her doing, her own poses and expressions:

I need to photoshop this one, the color's a little weird:

Hanging out in the backyard:

And today, catching roly polys:

Are you in there?