Sunday, January 6, 2008

Would someone tell me why I thought I needed this stuff?

WHY? Because it was "the thing" to do when you get engaged/married to register for stuff that will sit in a china cabinet for 11ish years, only to be used a handful of times?

The end of my marriage has put me into a MAJOR decluttering mood and this stuff has to go, so I took these pictures for Craig's List today:

Not pictured are 12 silver chargers, 12 cut crystal individual salt cellars (really!), crystal champagne flutes and a box full of flatware - service for 12, plus serving pieces.

Major resolution for 2008: If I or my children don't NEED it, I don't buy it. And yes, this includes kids' clothing. Enough!


Jennifer said...

They're really, really pretty. And, yes, probably not all that useful, 364 days a year. We didn't actually register for any "good" table settings for our wedding stuff and we still don't have any. Most of the time I don't miss or need it. But if you see me stalking you over on Craig's List... *grin*

BUT WAIT - kids CLOTHES too?? Are you (*gulp*) sure about this?? Hee.

september said...

Good for you! Though you're a better woman than I am...I'm a self-confessed china whore and don't think I could ever part with any of my (*blush*) six sets. I must admit that my first thought when I saw the post was "What pattern is that?"

september said...

Also, I'm with you on the kids clothes. Bronte actually has opinions about what she wears and Davis ruins everything he wears, which has pretty much taken the bloom off that rose.

HB said...

September - it's Noritake Greenbrier.

I actually haven't bought my kids any clothing for months... and hey, they're surviving just fine! LOL! :)

Anonymous said...

Did we use those when we visited you last May? If we did, I'm sure it was lovely, but I don't remember it and I won't miss them next time! Hope you sell them soon!

Dawn said...

I have never used my China, Crystal, or Good Silver. (gulp).