Sunday, August 26, 2007


Well, one of my two girls loves soccer. And I never would have prediced this in a million years - but Gemma, my rough, tumble, get-dirty, tom-boy girl HATED soccer so much that I pulled her from her team and promised her several times that I wouldn't make her play. Sophie - my princess, pink, dainty, girly-girl LOVED soccer so much that she's been practicing all she can every day in the backyard, despite the temperatures in the high 90's and the humidity not far behind. Who knew??

Link to a bigger version of the pic.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Photo Actions!

Why didn't I know about these before??? Actions are handy little scripts that you load into your photo editing software (PSE 5 in my case) and they apply effects to your photos with one or two clicks rather than spending eons of time adjusting this and that.

Today I found a freebie "vintage" action, so this picture:

Became this picture:

in about 3 seconds. FUN!

I think actions may be addicting!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

My cheeky girl

Gemma is developing into such a fun little person. She loves to make people laugh and is always making up jokes and stories. My sunshine:

Link to a larger version is here

Monday, August 13, 2007

August 13, 2007

snapped this in the 5 seconds we were outside today. It's HOT!!!

Click here for a larger version - stupid blogger!