Saturday, August 18, 2007

Photo Actions!

Why didn't I know about these before??? Actions are handy little scripts that you load into your photo editing software (PSE 5 in my case) and they apply effects to your photos with one or two clicks rather than spending eons of time adjusting this and that.

Today I found a freebie "vintage" action, so this picture:

Became this picture:

in about 3 seconds. FUN!

I think actions may be addicting!


Special K ~Toni said...

I love that! Great photo!

Jennifer said...

Oh, I love the vintage! I have several in my in my program (Kodak) that I adore -- but I don't have "vintage". Very cool.

(And the brick wall is a fantastic background, there!)

HB said...


If you have some pictures that you want to make vintage - send 'em over. It's literally 2 clicks and I'd be happy to do it - and it will keep my mind off "stuff" that is going on. *sigh*