Sunday, August 26, 2007


Well, one of my two girls loves soccer. And I never would have prediced this in a million years - but Gemma, my rough, tumble, get-dirty, tom-boy girl HATED soccer so much that I pulled her from her team and promised her several times that I wouldn't make her play. Sophie - my princess, pink, dainty, girly-girl LOVED soccer so much that she's been practicing all she can every day in the backyard, despite the temperatures in the high 90's and the humidity not far behind. Who knew??

Link to a bigger version of the pic.


Jennifer said...

AWESOME shot, HB! I love it. And I love all of the PINK! ;)

Special K ~Toni said...

Adorable! And I must say her hair is perfect! :)

Robin Lemke said...

Go Sophie!!!